Chandrika Dixit, also known as the "Vada Pav Girl," is a street food vendor who runs a Vada Pav stall in Sainik Vihar, Pitampura. She became a viral sensation following her run-in with the Delhi Police and Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) officials, who allegedly pressured her to close her business. Chandrika is originally from Indore and has documented her struggle to keep her business open on social media. She has faced challenges in her life, including losing her parents at a young age and falling on hard times after her son got dengue.
Vada Pav Girl Biography Wiki, Age Height
Name | Chandrika Dixit |
Age | 28 |
Hometown | Indore, Madhya Pradesh |
Education | High School Graduate |
Occupation | Vada Pav Vendor |
Work Experience | 5 years |
Specialties | Unique vada pav recipes, such as schezwan vada pav and paneer vada pav |
Daily Routine | Starts preparing vada pav at 6 AM, sets up stall by 8 AM, sells vada pav until 8 PM, and then returns home to rest |
Challenges Faced | Dealing with unpredictable weather, managing inventory, and ensuring food safety |
Aspirations | To expand her vada pav business, open a small restaurant, and provide employment opportunities for other women in her community |
Vada Pav Girl Age, Height, Physical Appearance
Hair Color | Black |
Hair Length | Long |
Hair Style | Straight with a middle parting |
Eye Color | Brown |
Eye Shape | Almond |
Nose Type | Straight and pointed |
Skin Tone | Fair |
Height | 5'6" |
Weight | 120 lbs |
Build | Slim |
Distinguishing Features | None |
Vada Pav Girl Husband, Parents Family
Character | Relation |
Real Name | Chandrika Dixit |
Father | Not Avilable |
Mother | Not Avilable |
Siblings | Not Avilable |
Husband | Yash Gera Dixit |
Children | Not specified |
Vada Pav Girl Instagram
Platform | Link |
Chandrika Dixit Twitter | |
Chandrika Dixit LinkedIn | |
Chandrika Dixit Facebook | |
Chandrika Dixit Instagram | |
YouTube | Chandrika Dixit YouTube |