Colors TV Suhagan New Serial Suhagan Chudail Announced The character of Nia Sharma. She is going to play a very evil and negative character in the show. She is going to play a very evil and negative character in the show. And, this witch is only 200 years old. She is 200 years old. She leaves the Red Moon at night to make her own prey. And the one who makes her prey is always a boy. She has already killed 15 boys. And after every prey, she gets different powers. And the married couples take away their lover. And she takes away the boy from them and hunts him. That is why her name is Suhagan Chudel Seril.
what is the main story of the show?
Suhagan Chudail Serial Cast, Release Date, Promo Wiki,
Show Name | Suhagan Chudail |
Genre | Supernatural Drama |
Lead Actress | Nia Sharma (portrays Nishigandha, a 200-year-old Chudail) |
Other Cast | Debchandrima Singha Roy (as Deeya), Zayn Ibad Khan (as Moksh) |
Premiere Date | After the conclusion of IPL 2024 season1 |
Channel | Colors TV |
Streaming Platform | JioCinema |
Plot Summary | Nishigandha, the Chudail, desires immortality and eternal beauty. On every red moon night, she hunts down men, wrecks their relationships, and marries them to fulfill her quest for power. Who will be her next target? |
What is the Main Story of the Show?
The main story is that Suhagan Chudel has 15 powers. But she needs ultimate power which is the power of immortality. She will get it when she will kill the 16th boy. She will hunt the 16th boy. And this thing is also called Suhagan Chudel Seril. So this is the only search for a boy who is married to a 16th boy. So that he can hunt the 16th boy and have the power to be immortal. Which is his ultimate power. After which he will become very powerful and immortal. He will have multiple powers. This is very crazy for power. So guys, anyone can go to any limit for their powers. It will be shown in this serial. The promo present of the show is definitely done in a very good way. It is done in a very spooky way. But it will matter whether the execution of the episodes will be as good as the promo. Or not. Anyway, this is the character of Suhagan Chudel. Which character will he nuke? So there will be a pair of husband and wife in the serial. There will be a couple. And he will nuke them because he wants to kill the husband. And the wife of the husband will try to save his husband. We have seen a short in the promo.
She is hiding in the window. Then who is she looking at? So guys, she is looking at Zain Ibad Khan. Which is the character of Moksha in the serial. Which means the character of the husband. And the character of his wife. Dev Chandraima. Singha Roy. And the name of the wife is Diya. The name of the husband is Moksha. This is the Moksha behind it. Suhagan Chudel is going to hunt it. And his wife Diya will try to save him. The character of Diya is Andhavishwa Swara. I don't believe it. But whatever is going to happen with him. His belief will come. His mother's death was also in a mysterious way. The character of Diya is from Rajasthan. But she is educated and educated. And his wife Diya will try to save him. The character of Diya is Andhavishwa Swara. don't believe it. But whatever is going to happen with him. His belief will come. His mother's death was also in a mysterious way. The character of Diya is from Rajasthan.